I'm always afraid to stroke cats now as they often turn around and suddenly bite. I don't know why they do that as I'm always gentle with them and never pick them up and make too much of a fuss of them. My sister got a cat about two years ago but it would suddenly attack her and her daughter so she had to give it away, it also left some rather nasty bite marks and scratches. I don't understand why cats are like that even when you are nice and respectful towards them. Anyone shed any light?
It could be simply that you're overstroking the cat. When I got 2 cats a couple of years ago one of them would let me stroke him for ages but the other one was ok with being stroked twice but try a 3rd time and it resulted in losing skin off my hand!
Some cats like being stroked or touched a lot and some don't so it's just working out what is acceptable to them. It's the only way your cat has to tell you that they want you to stop. :D
One of my 2 cats passed away last year, he was the one that didn't like being stroked too much but he'd lay on my lap for hours...they all have their own little personalities don't they. It's so hard when we lose a beloved why do cats bite youcompanion. Thank you for awarding me with the BA. x
i dont like my cats arfter 1 bit me
Both my cats do this. For the female it's if you touch her anywhere but her head and shoulders, or if you move suddenly. The boy will do it if he actively dislikes you or if he wants you to stop. He doesn't really understand the whole petting thing. He'll usually meow or huff before he bites though.
My cat does the same thing and he's almost two years old. They just want to play and they think that's what your doing. Boy cats are really bad to do that but girl cats do the same thing. Sometimes if you have more than one cat they don't do that because they have someone else to play rough with and they just don't care when you pet them.
Have you ever seen two cats play? They can play pretty rough. When a cat turns around to bite, it is either being playful and is letting you know it's had enough. Cats are still basically wild animals that are gently enough to live with humans.
My sister has two cats that do that all the time. I'm fairly certain they're just plawhy do cats bite youying though. Yes, it hurts, but I don't think they mean any real harm.
My older cat Smudge bites sometimes but its usually after you don't stop stroking her after the ears go back and the tail starts wagging really slowly.
there are a few reasons
because they are angry,
because they are playful,
because they are just in a bad mood.
Cats are little arrogant creatures. It seems that everything has to be on their terms. I say get rid of the cats and get a dog:)
Sometimes they just dont want to be touched anymore or they could just be playing.
its their way of saying get the fAV儿劣 off.
or sometimes it just means your cat is a spoilt bit**...................... i have one of those :(
Some cats, like people, don't like to be touched.
It is how a cat will tell you they do not like something you are doing. I advise you to stop, it doesnt get better.
i always thought its because they were playing but i researched it it can be because its uncomfortable...
It is the only way that a cat can ask you to stop touching it.
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