Wednesday, January 11, 2012

best liquid diet!What is the best liquid diet available without a doctor?

I can't afford a doctor, but the Atkins diet is not working for me. Is there a web site that offers a good liquid diet?
Liquid diets aren't always the best because your body doesn't digest it the same.
It's similar to drinking V8 juice. That doesn't count as a serving of fruit or vegetables because your body doesn't recognize the nutrients as it would say, an apple.

The best way to lose weight is to just eat low fat, low caloribest liquid diete foods.
Foods such as celery and cabbage make you lose a bit more weight because they keep you full with the fiber and they also burn more calories being digested than they actually contain.
Dairy is high in fat, so low fat cheese and skim milk are always an option along with water based soups.
Things like that should help lose weight.
I think you should eat sour fruit after each meal. My fav food is sour fruit and I eat a lot. best liquid dietI can eat whatever I want but never gain weight.
I don't know if it works for you but it worked for my friend.
if you have problem with sour fruit, you can use Miracle Fruit tablet before eat it. This tablet can turn sour to sweet, just the taste. So you still can lose weight while enjoy eating sweet
you can buy here
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