Sunday, December 18, 2011

get free music downloads legally!How do I get free music downloads . . . legally?

I have been wanting to download a song, but am not sure how to do so legally. Anyone know?
Try these links below-


You could also make REQUEST to DOWNLOAD UNLIMITED number of SONGS absolutely FREE by joining a community music forum. To check out the ‘hottest’ music forum out there right now, please click on the link below –

u gotta check out the site; !!!
lime wire. google it.
You can download mp3 files that the artist or band puts on their site legally. However, very few musicians do this. Usually the ones that do are small or independent artists. Sometimes bigger name music starts do this to promoteget free music downloads legally an upcoming album. You can type the artist's name on Google and find thier official site. You might be able to find something there. Again, remember that it's not extremely common to find mp3s on their site.

The easiest mp3s to find are of people who are just starting out and are not that famous yet, as I mentioned before. You can download some legal mp3s of independent musicians at this site:

Now, if you're talking about downloading an actual album or song that is only available at retail stores.. that's illegal. In fact, asking how to download one of those LEGALLY is a bit of an oxymoron (since dowget free music downloads legallynloading them for free is illegal in the first place).
Try, it's free you just have to register
i'm not totally sure, but i recall that it is not 'legal' to get mp3 songs w/ out paying. the recored makers and producer buisness.. just pay, because you only need to a small amount.

on the other side of the q, if you really REALLY wanna download without paying i guess you could just go ahead.. its not THAT big of a crime,

hope this helped're sharing with other users, not downloading from a master database like itunes etc.

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