I recently acquired a job that has uses the entire Adobe CS4 Master Suite. I have never used anything but adobe photo shop and flash before. Can someone provide me with a brief description of what each program is and why I should use them?
Site - http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/mastercollection/?promoid=Dcs4 master suiteNOWI
On the left-hand side under "Get the trial" click on the "What's Inside" tab to open up a menu. Here it lists each of the programs included in the Creative Suite 4 Master Collection. Hovering over each program's name will give you a very brief description of what that program will allow you tocs4 master suite do. You can also click on each program to view its individual page for a more in-depth look.
Hope that helps!
By the way, Paul V, you misspelled "common sense".
1. go to
2. see the list of included products on the left hand side? good.
3. click on each one, to find out what they do.
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